Day: February 18, 2007

  • Was Soviet threat exaggerated during the Cold War?

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: Do you think the evil and threat of the Soviet Union, etc. was exaggerated during the Cold War? Repeatedly and systematically. The Cold War was a very peculiar symbiotic situation. The Soviets wanted their achievements blown out of proportion for propaganda purposes (to instill pride in their own people and…

  • Ghengis Khan vs. Alexander the Great

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: Who’s the greater General? Ghengis Khan or Alexander the Great? for my History research paper..Who do you think was a better General and leader? Depends on whom you ask. Sun-Tsu would say neither, since the best general is one that wins without fighting. Also, consider this. A good leader is…

  • What kind of government did Carthage have?

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: What kind of government did Carthage have? No original Carthaginian writings on the subject survived the destruction of Carthage by the Romans, so whatever we think we know about Carthage comes from Greek and Roman sources.  This said, here’s a summary. Carthage was ruled by Suffets (judges). Two judges were…

  • Divinity of Jesus and the doctrine of Holy Trinity

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: When did Jesus become divine according to church decision? Does anyone know the rough date of when the Catholic church made it definitive that Jesus was divine and created the trinity? The divinity of Jesus was made a part of mainstream Christian doctrine at the First Council of Nicaea in…

  • Taxes: simple or fair?

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: Why is it so damn confusing to pay taxes for small business?! All the records you are suppose to keep!!? You want to know my theory? Because there are so many exceptions to the rules for the rich. If we all could just pay evenly in sales tax, i think…

  • Colonization: a crime?

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: Do you think deaths of “Natives” during white settlement of America was a crime or not? I say no…? …because the settlement of America by Europeans and eventually others was necessary and fair. The “Natives” attacked and killed many settlers who had committed no aggression. To prevent further murders, early…

  • Imperialism, prosperity, and freedom

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: Western Imperialism? I’m writing a paper for a class and are having problems coming up with reasons why Western Imperialism was good. Yes I have to agrue that it was good. The question reads: “Did Western Imperialism destroy non-western prospects to achieve prosperity and freedom.” Sadly, there were very few…

  • Jim Crow laws vs. apartheid

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: How was Jim Crow segregation different from South African apartheid? As political and legal systems, how did the two differ? Jim Crow laws were state and local. Apartheid was national. Jim Crow laws divided the population into two racial groups, Whites and Blacks. Apartheid classified people as White, Black, Indian…

  • The three ranges of the aggregate supply curve



    A question from Yahoo! Answers: Identify the three ranges of the aggregate supply curve.? Explain the impact of an increase in aggregate demand curve in each segment. Classical (near-horizontal, observed on the left side of the graph), Keynesian (nearly vertical, observed on the right side of the graph), and intermediate (upward-sloping, observed in-between the other…

  • Chinese stocks and American bonds

    A question from Yahoo! Answers: Why Cash that drives shares in Shanghai also keeps U.S. interest rates low? can someone explain and what does the china crash of 9% has someting to do with the U.S.A Why cash that drives shares in Shanghai also keeps U.S. interest rates low? Because that cash buys both Chinese…